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In the realm of sustainable agriculture, there's a method that goes beyond mere cultivation; Its called biodynamics. The practice of biodynamics is scheduling and aligning our gardening activities in alignment with the phases of the moon.

Welcome to the enchanting world of biodynamics—a practice that transforms gardens into thriving, pulsating ecosystems, each plant a note in a symphony of life.

I know, sounds strange, but if you pause for a moment, you'll find the moon has more affect on our ecosystem than you might think. With every slight shift, if we align our planting, fertilizing, and harvesting in alignment with the moon, then we too can be in alignment with our ecosystem.

Many Indigenous cultures, particularly those with a deep connection to nature and the land, have traditions of planting and harvesting based on lunar cycles. Ancient Egyptians, Aztecs, Mayans, and even ancient Romans all aligned their agriculture activities in alignment to the phases of the moon.




Every month we publish the latest monthly biodynamics calendar through our newsletter.

Here's an overview on how the calendar works:

The New Moon: Planting Seeds of Intention As the lunar cycle begins anew, so does the potential for growth. The New Moon marks the perfect time for sowing the seeds of intention in your garden. Plan and prepare your soil, welcoming new beginnings and the promise of vibrant life ahead. Consider planting seeds for annuals, biennials, and perennials during this phase, setting the stage for a garden brimming with vitality.

First Quarter: Taking Root with Soil Amendments As the moon waxes, the First Quarter invites you to fortify your soil. Use this time to enrich the earth with organic matter, compost, and well-rotted manure. The soil is receptive and ready to absorb these nourishing elements, laying the foundation for robust plant development. Think of it as a cosmic feast for your garden, ensuring it thrives in the coming months.

Full Moon: Illuminating Pruning and Harvesting Under the brilliance of the Full Moon, your garden takes center stage. This phase is ideal for pruning and harvesting, as the moon's luminosity enhances visibility and energy transfer within plants. Trim away dead or overgrown branches, and gather the fruits of your labor. The Full Moon amplifies the potency of your efforts, resulting in bountiful harvests and well-shaped, flourishing plants.

Last Quarter: Reflection, Planning, and Pest Control As the moon begins to wane, turn your focus inward. Use the Last Quarter to reflect on your gardening journey thus far and plan for the future. It's an opportune time for pest control measures, as the decreasing moonlight is believed to minimize the risk of infestations. Consider introducing natural deterrents to protect your garden from unwelcome visitors.


Sign up for the newsletter to get your monthly copy of the Seed & Scribe Biodynamics garden calendar.

Whether it's seeding dreams under the New Moon or harvesting the fruits of your labor in the radiant glow of the Full Moon, each lunar phase offers a unique opportunity to synchronize your garden with the cosmic rhythms.

As always - Happy Growing



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